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First Time Visitors & FAQs

We are glad you are here!


Union Congregational Church, UCC, is located at 33 Concord St, Peterborough, NH, 03458. Our office is open 8:30-12:30, Monday-Friday. The phone number is (603) 924-3272. The office email is



From September through June, worship begins at 10:00 a.m. and is followed by refreshments in Fellowship Hall, "Coffee Hour." Worship begins at 9:30 a.m. from July through the last Sunday before Labor Day, followed by Lemonade on the Lawn. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month, and all are welcome to participate.

What to wear?

Be comfortable. If you're in jeans, that's fine; if you prefer to dress up, that's fine too.

Where to park?

We have two driveways. The "entry drive" is on the southwest side of the building. That's the side nearest Jellison Funeral Home. There are 8 parking spaces on that side of the building, and most people parking there walk to the big sanctuary doors that front onto Concord Street. If you follow the sign around the building to the larger parking lot, you'll find 30 parking spaces, a wheelchair accessible ramp, and the "exit drive." There is also parking on Concord Street (Sundays only), and on Sunday our friends at the Peterborough Town Library welcome you to park there too.

How accessible are you?

In addition to the ramp, we have ADA compliant restrooms and space for wheelchairs in the sanctuary. Large-print bulletins and audio enhancement earphones are available at each worship service. Our services are broadcast live on Facebook and YouTube, and our office is happy to provide copies of sermons upon request.

What do I say/do?

We do our best to make sure the Sunday bulletin explains what we're doing in worship. Let us know if we've missed something that would have helped. We are a friendly bunch and someone will greet you but there's no pressure for you to introduce yourself.

What is your theology?

We are a congregation of the United Church of Christ. The UCC is a moderate to progressive Christian denomination, placing emphasis on justice, peace, and God's all-embracing and abundant love for all persons. See the "About Us" page for more of our local church history.

What about money?

Our members pledge to support the church financially. If visitors want to contribute, that's great, but especially on your first visit, you're our guest.

Want to know more?

If you sign our WELCOME GUEST card, found in the pew pocket in front of you, put it in the offering plate on your way out, and indicate you'd like a call, our pastor will be in touch with you. Our Deacons are persons who help the pastor. The Deacon on duty at a worship service is wearing a Deacon name badge; if you have a question, he or she will be glad to provide an answer.

Copies of our monthly newsletter, THE COMMUNICON, are available near each main door, and on the Communicon page. Upcoming events at the church for the month are listed on the Calendar page.  The Pastor's office hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The church office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The office phone number is (603) 924-3272.


(603) 924-3272


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33 Concord St, Peterborough, NH, 03458                                                                                       (603) 924-3272 

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