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A. Rediscovering the UCC Steeple Bell

A. Rediscovering the UCC Steeple Bell

(The Worship Planning Team at work!)

"Let's ring in the Easter worship service! It's been a very long time since we've heard the steeple bell ring."
"Wouldn't it be great to get a video of it ringing for the people watching the livestream service!"
"Has anyone still alive in our congregation ever seen the steeple bell?"
"The kids used to ring it on Sunday mornings, but that was a while back, and you don't actually go up into the steeple."
"I've never seen it and the people sitting in the pews can barely hear it even if it is rung."
"Let's plan a field trip to the steeple next week. Maybe we can get a video then. It's supposed to be warm that day."
"Sounds good!"

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