Union Congregational Church, UCC
Union Congregational Church Welcomes You!
We are an active congregation of the United Church of Christ. We are grounded in worship, inspired in service, and connected as community.
We love to welcome newcomers to our services, so we hope you will join us either in person or online. Our services are livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube.
See you in church!
Whoever you are, wherever you are on life's journey,
you are welcome here
Open and Affirming Covenant of Welcome
Jesus accepts all people. We aspire to follow his example.
We gladly invite and welcome all persons into the life and ministry of this faith community and to full participation in all the sacraments and rites of this church.
Since we believe that all people are created in the image of God and are loved by God, we welcome those of every age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, faith background, national or ethnic origin, physical and mental ability, kind of family, socioeconomic status, and physical appearance.
Seeking justice for everyone, we promise to offer intentional and extravagant welcome to all God’s children.